Using Latana

We regularly update and add features to the Latana dashboard, and we collect all learning materials in this organized database.

Using Latana

Create Audience Segments

Before you start creating your segments, you should already have your segmentation filters setup in the dashboard. If you’re missing important audience characteristics in your dashboard, check out our article on Choosing the Right Segmentation. See below some steps on how to create your audience segmentation in the Latana dashboard:

  1. Click the + symbol in the top right-hand corner of your dashboard and then select “Segment”

  2. Select the standard audience characteristics that you want for building your segment (if one of the audience characteristics are irrelevant, simply leave it set as “All Responses”)

  3. Select your custom audience characteristics you want for this segment

  4. Give your segment or audience a suitable name - this could be a description of the segment or a persona (i.e. “Urban High Income” or simply “Kim”)

  5. Repeat for all of your audience segments

For a basic definition of segmentation and its value, check out our Understanding Segmentation article.